
Hi! My name’s Adam and I’m a software developer from Melbourne, Australia.

I used to be a guitarist and teacher. My first business was a music school I started in my early 20s. As the business grew, I couldn’t find any software that met all our needs so I started writing some. Over the next 10 years I built the business and software in tandem. Eventually, I realised that the thing I really loved doing was writing software. I packaged up the music school and software and sold it all off and moved into doing development full time.

After selling my business, I started consulting for startups and other businesses building products on the internet. I ended up taking a full time position as lead developer, then CTO for a California based startup called City Innovate. I worked with the co-founders at City Innovate to build their development team and help build the initial versions of their products. I eventually sold my equity in that business and started working on building products for myself.

Recently I’ve been building SleepHQ with my best mate. It’s a platform for people with sleep apnea to track and monitor their data and connect with professionals who can help use that data to improve the patient’s therapy outcomes.

I still do some consulting for clients as well as mentoring junior developers who are just getting started. If you’d like to connect you can send me an email or find me on Twitter @adampallozzi.

My DMs are always open and I’d love to hear from you.